Goodness, it's Saturday already! Yesterday, there was no school (for Parent Teacher Interviews) so C was home with me and I forgot to do my Foody Friday post.
Here's what we ate this week.
- Fri- Leftovers
- Sat- Frozen Buitoni Spinach Pizza- good!
- Sun-Canned Vegetable Soup with crackers and Cheese
- Mon- Roast Chicken Breasts, Microwaved "Baked" Potatoes, and Spinach, Tomato, Carrot salad- cooked by N :-)
- Tues- "Dry" Red Lentils (World Vegetarian, pg 68), Stewed or "Red-Cooked" Daikon (W.V. pg 176), Kohlrabi Greens cooked with Garlic (W.V. pg 223), Brown Rice- This was a snow day off school because of blowing snow. It snowed on Monday a bit, but the wind really picked up on Tuesday, so there were a lot of white-out conditions. School and provincial offices were closed. Here's C looking out a snow window in her fort she built.
She didn't stay out very long because, even though she was slightly sheltered, the snow was still blowing a bit too hard. Anyway, I hadn't cooked in so long (see above menus for the week!) that I felt like cooking a lot of stuff. K and I liked it all, but the kids not so much.
- Wed- Cheese Raviolis with Tomato Sauce, Broccoli- cooked by N
- Thurs- Out- N went to Pokemon so he ate at Greco Pizza with his friends after; C had a dentist appt. in town so she and I ate at Pita Pit; K was on his own at home.
We are supposed to get no snow this week! Yay! It's Spring Forward tonight, so it'll take a bit used to get used to that. Already, it's still light out at about 6:00.
Have a great weekend! :-)
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