I can't believe it's Wednesday, already!
We had a belated Mother's Day Lunch on Sunday since my MIL was out of town on May 8. We picked up some Lobsters for the grown ups and chicken strips for the kids, plus fries and rolls. My MIL made potato salad and cole slaw and dessert- chocolate cake and lemon squares. It was nice.
I've made some progress on the front room closet.
It was a mess.
I had already cut two 3/8" plywood pieces for the back. They were cut for width, but I had to cut one for height.
I had to finish taping up the plastic.
And figure out that wall on the left.
This is it with the plywood installed on the back wall.
Here you can see the angled part of the wall that will be between the master bathroom and the closet. It's on the left.
I took a break, then installed the drywall on the right.
And I got the last piece of plywood up on the angled part of the ceiling/wall.
Of course there are still a lot of things to do... But it's progress!
I finally put up the trim around the back side door.
Here's a picture of the door from Halloween, 2015. That red tuck tape had been like that for years!!!

The door looks much better now!
So far it's been 3 days and no one has even noticed!
I did a bit of the caulking, but ran out of the tube I was using so I still need to finish that up and then paint!
Have a great day!
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