About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm Lainey, a SAHM of 2. The other day, my kids were home sick from school and my son asked, "What do you do all day when we're at school?". My answer was, "Oh, lots of stuff."  So, this is where I'm gonna show "What I do all day"-- crafts, home improvements, recipes, sewing etc. Plus, my husband, technical guru that he is, Nexus7MBA, has been suggesting I do my own blog since I read so many and get so many great ideas from them!

I'm from Louisiana and now live in beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada, where my HH (Handy Hubby) is from.  We did a lot of traveling with his work when first married (almost 18 years ago!). Now we have kids, DS (Darling Son) 9 years old and DD (Darling Daughter) 7 years old, and we've settled down.  We started building our little cottage in 1996 and over the years it has evolved into quite the cozy home. This year we are working on the front with a new addition for an entry and a master bathroom. While in the midst of this renovation,  HH and I have our bedroom in the back room which will eventually be our living room... Still lots of renovating to do, but it's fun and we don't mind taking it slow while HH works and goes to school for his MBA. I'm lucky to be able to stay home full time and do all the fun things that come with that! :-)

June, 2014. Hi! I'd like to update this to say that HH is now going to be called K. In Jan, 2015 K and I will be married for 20 years! DS is almost 11 and will be called N; and DD is almost 9 and will be called C.  K & I have moved into our master bedroom and are using the back room as our living room.  We are still working on the front entry and master bath. That is all! :-)

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