We had another snow day yesterday! Now it's back to school...
C has been wanting shelves above her desk for a while now. She wanted to get rid of the secretary insert on top of the desk so she'd have more desk top space. I finally got around to making the shelves last weekend. I used the leftover birch plywood from the bench in the old front room. Last summer, my dad had cut this plywood so I could build the benches under the front room lockers. But, I decided they should be cushioned, so I ended up using different (not so nice) plywood.
So, I used the nice birch plywood for C's shelves!
We primed and painted the shelves on the weekend. The desk top had a bunch of permanent marker marks on it, so it got primed and re-painted on the weekend, too. I put the shelves up while C was at school on Monday and she was very pleased to see them up when she got home! I used the brackets from the shelves that are now sitting under the recycling. (Those shelves were nice, but they weren't quite long enough to use above the desk.) I put a small shelf from the storage room on the bottom so she'd have room for pens, pencils, etc. I wasn't sure if it should get painted, but for now it's staying as is.
C rearranges her room often, but this is how her room looked January, 2015.

Her desk had been moved to where the bookshelf is now. You can see the secretary insert on the back of the desk.
N wanted more desk top space, so he got the other birch plywood piece cut to fit beside his desk.
It sits on top of a shelf unit.
Here's how this corner looked in May, 2015.
I put up another little shelf from the storage room for Pokemon stuff.
Before, it was just a blank wall.

It's nice to get these little projects done (and use up some materials!)
Enjoy the rest of your week! :-)
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