Hi! Wow, I can't believe it's almost been 2 weeks since I've posted! Busy, Busy Busy!!
What have we been doing?
K's been working usual hours (with some overtime this weekend);
I've worked a couple times;
we started getting the Veggie Box (local CSA) on Mondays;
C went to Camp Keir for 5 nights;
on the way home from dropping her off we stopped at a honey stand.
The week C was at camp, N went to see "Pixels" with friends;
he went to St. Chrysostome beach with my parents
and clamming with his grandparents;
I took him and his friends to Pokemon;
and we went to the Shellfish Museum in Bideford with my parents;
We attended some Tyne Valley Oyster Festival festivities-
I volunteered at the canteen on trivia night.
C came back from camp (she had a good time!)
and we saw the Oyster Festival Parade.
The kids had friends over;
C had a friend spend the night.
K and I went on a date night to Charlottetown.
We went to dinner and a movie- at Captain Jack's at the Yacht Club and then "Train Wreck".
The kids went to Shining Waters with my parents;
the family saw "Alice Through the Looking Glass" play in Charlottetown.
N picked blueberries with his grandfathers;
N picked blueberries with his grandfathers;
and last night we went to dinner at the Summerside Yacht Club.
(We missed K, who had to work.)
And I'm still working on C's closet.

I got some help from Dad to level out the top of the doorway.
Here is the progress.
It's taking forever! With all the corners and angles!
I've got to go over it again today. It may need a tiny bit of mud and then that's it! On to sanding, priming and painting!
Have a great weekend! :-)
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