Has it been another week already?
Here's what I've been working on.
I decided to get some herbs for the backyard. Instead of putting them in the previous herb garden, which has gotten overgrown with grass (and oregano), I put them right outside the back door.
On the right side of the door is lemon balm (far right) and thyme (in the middle). The plant on the left is a day lily. There's nothing growing in the pot. C discovered a snake in the area when we cut the grass on the side of the house! I think now he's moved away since we haven't seen him (her?) in a while.
On the other side is (from left to right) cilantro, basil, dill, summer savory, parsley. All of these are annuals.
Here's a larger shot, where you can see I used to have an old lobster trap, that my mom had bought, in that corner (to the right of the red, yellow, and blue milk crates). You can also see in the foreground where the herbs used to be.

I moved the trap on top of the old grassy part.
When I moved it, guess who went inside? Our cat, Lilly! See her white paws sticking out?
Which reminds me, when N was about 2, he had a sandbox with some sand shaping toys. One of them was a lobster. When we told him what it was, he put it in the trap, because that's where lobsters go! :-)
I've also been working on the drywall in the front room.
There's an angled wall, that needed a bit of figuring out in order to put the drywall up.
K got the drywall up, but as I began to mud the corners, I came to understand the importance of clean cuts. I had to use the mesh tape to fill in the gaps with mud and then cover that with the metal/paper tape. I tried the plastic edging stuff, but it was only 90 degrees and wouldn't fit the corner. I read online you could get different angles, but I think my solution will work... We'll see!
I'm hoping to paint in the next couple of days! Yay!
The Lockers are pretty much done on the inside. (Except C's, who instead of a grey bottom wants white). I've still got all the outside to do.
I worked 4 times since the 4th, and there's no word on when (if?) the Alberton Library will open. Right now I've got nothing on my work schedule...
Speaking of work, N has been working picking strawberries in town. He picks from 7:00am till whenever they finish- usually around 9 or 10. He gets $.50 per box. (They sell the boxes for $4!) The first day, he made $4 for 2 hours. There are about 30 people who pick. The strawberries need rain so they are not ripening up as they should and this means there are not as many strawberries to pick. There's no rain in the forecast for the next week.
Besides all this work, K and I got to relax in the pool.
It's finally warmed up so we don't need our wetsuits!
Next week, K's sister and her man arrive on Sunday and my parents get here on Wednesday so it will be a busy week with visitors!
Have a great week! :-)
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