April's going by fast! Wonder what I've been working on? A couple things (with some help from K).
First, the front room. K got the first "locker" started. See how the round stool fits under? We're going to build a bench to go under there. And can you see the white door inside the cabinet? It'll be one of the doors. The walls are painted- Pearly Grey by Boomerang. The cabinets will by glossy white.
I cut some pieces of drywall to surround the window on the sides and top. I need to find (buy) a 1x6 for the bottom ledge. I found a piece of moulding that will fit the top, so that's nice!
Here's the front with the paint on the walls.
You can see the beaded board we started on the ceiling with our new Stanley brad nailer.
What else have I been working on? I replaced the cabinet doors on top of the fridge. Here's how it looks.
Here's the messy counter pic!
And here's how it was before.
We kept our knife block on top of the fridge so the kids wouldn't get it when they were younger. Now they're actually using the knives so we've moved them to the counter so they don't have to reach over their heads to get them.
The 2 doors actually belonged to the middle cabinets above the sink so I had to rip them to fit above the fridge. They had been hanging out in the breezeway as shelves. Here's one (when the breezeway was relatively clean!) under the red coke bottle holder.

Before that, they held our tv in C's room when it was our tv room. We'd painted one black. I'd tested out my wood graining tool on the other one. I slapped some white paint on, then used some sort of taupe paint for the wood graining. The paint was latex and it was peeling off the door. I gave both doors a quick sanding and primed them.
Unfortunately, I sanded too much on the wood parts and removed the varnish. This meant the wood was bleeding thru and I had to use the Zinsser Shellac Primer. I painted them with 2 coats of White Semi-gloss paint. This is not the paint on our other cabinets. The rest of them are some sort of oil based paint that I'd used when we first put them up. They "new" doors are still a bit splotchy and too shiny so I may look for my satin white latex paint to finish them up.
Here's getting ready to hang the doors. I've moved the salad spinner and rice cooker on top of the fridge.
This let me move the kids' lunch kits over to the side of the island where the lunch containers are- much more efficient since they used to be on on the other side and I had to open both sides of the cabinets when I fixed lunches!
Here it is now.
And before.
I like it, It's a bit neater now.
We hung a little cabinet on the right side of the wardrobe pantry. Below it are the paper and pop bottle/can recycling containers.
Here's how it looked around Christmas (2014).

The sewing machine was there with the toaster on it. I moved the sewing machine into the living room to hold the keyboard. (This is turning into "If you give a mouse a cookie"....)
All those brightly colored things in the starburst are paper airplanes that the kids made a few weeks ago!
Here's the Christmas Before. I'd used an old laptop desk for the keyboard, but it's actually broken and sits crooked. It will be going to the Goodwill (or trash?) soon.

Ok, one more thing. I want to show the kitchen shelves. All those baskets will be going to the front room on top of the lockers! Not sure what will go here when that happens!
All right. I think that's it for now! Enjoy your day!
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