We have been under a blizzard warning for the last 24 hours. It is expected to last thru the morning into the afternoon. So far, we have about 60 cm (23 inches) of snow! We also have strong blizzard winds with gusts of 90- 130 kph (56-80 mph). Just to compare, hurricane winds are 74 mph! So, with these winds we have huge drifts. The plows were pulled off the roads yesterday and won't be back out until the afternoon. Luckily, we kept our electricity. There are about 1200 without it! Since the storm happened on Sunday and today is a holiday, most things are closed anyway.
Here's a video of the blizzard yesterday.
Here's looking out the kitchen window yesterday. Pretty low visibility. According to Environment Canada: Blizzard Warnings are issued when widespread reduced visibilities of 400 metres or less are expected for at least 4 hours.
Here is the drift at the back door yesterday. You can see it's taller than C!
And it just kept growing!
This morning, this is what we woke up to. See the black car in front of the gold one? There's a drift to the left that's taller than the car.
The drifts are high!
Now we have a drift above the bottom of the kitchen window!
And high drifts along the side of the back room.
Here's the back door this morning! That drift is taller than me!
Somehow, last night the latch on the back door came unlatched and we couldn't get it to close all the way again! K put a board across so the door wouldn't open under the weight of the snow and come crashing in the back room!
And I thought this was a lot of snow!

Here is a giant drift in the back yard. It's hard to tell how high it is, but it must be 15 feet tall at least!
Here's looking toward the back barn.
Here it is after the last storm when you could still see the fence.

Here's looking toward the breezeway. The snow has completely gone over the top!
Here's how it looked before!

Looking out toward the pond. The road goes between the trees and it looks like there are two dark spots on the road. We think they are trees!
Windchills are cold today . It's Neg 14C (7F), but feels like Neg 29C (Neg 20F). We'll probably be inside again for the day. I checked out a couple games from the library so we may try those or some Mexican Train!
Stay warm wherever you are! Happy Islander Day (and Presidents Day!) :-)
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