I'm posting on Monday! We had a nice weekend. HH gave his final presentation for his MBA program on Friday so he's officially done! He didn't want to go to the graduation ceremony since we just went to his under-grad one a few years ago, so he's just going to pick up his dipoloma. We are very proud of him!
On Saturday, HH and DS went on a long hike along a stream. It ended up being 2.5 km long, part of which was a swamp and hard going. They had a good time, though! They made a small fire and had lunch. DD and I went to town to do some shopping. She got another swimsuit (a teeny, tiny bikini) so now her count is up to 8 suits! (She got quite a few pairs from a family friend!)
I finally got some foundation make-up. I've been in a quandry over what to get for some time now. I'm trying to replace my products with more "green" ones and I'm almost out of the foundation that I've probably had for like 5 years or so! It's Covergirl Advanced Radiance Classic Ivory. I saw on the Canadian tv show Steven and Chris, that Vapour Organic Beauty has some good foundation. I checked it out and was able to order 3 samples for about $20. The product was nice, but when I went to actually buy a regular size, it would've cost around $50 because of the high shipping cost to Canada. So, I thought that was too much and continued my search. Finally, I discovered Physician's Formula at Shopper's Drug Mart. I waited for it to go on sale, which it did this week. So, for $11 I got an $18 foundation- the SuperCC+ Light. And, there's a $9 mail-in-rebate so it's an even better deal! Yay! I will probably buy some eyeliner and maybe eye shadow whenever I run out of those. I usually only wear those 3 products plus blush and Burt's Bee's lip balm.
I finished my Flower Wreath, but the wood glue was all gross- AGAIN! This happened once before because my glue froze so I had to buy another container. I thought I was careful about this one not freezing, but it did and here's what it looks like.
But it didn't hold.
Here it is on the porch with a petal missing.
So, I used hot glue.
And hopefully this will hold it. With the wind here, I think I need to anchor it somehow on the bottom. Not sure what I'll use- maybe a small finish nail?
Oh, also, HH cut some plexiglass for the front hall door window.
There used to be plastic there,

So this is much better. (We had the plexiglass already, so it's a bit scratched up, but still quite an improvement- it's really clear!)
To hide the scratches and the off-centered-ness of the front exterior door through the interior hall door window, I put a wreath up. It's a magnolia wreath (in homage to my home state Louisiana's flower).
I know others do put wreaths on doors, but it swings in and out a lot when the door opens and closes. I must also anchor it somehow...
And am I just supposed to leave the back like it is?....
Ok, have a great week! :-)
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