So, we've had 2 snow days in a row! It snowed overnight Tuesday (with more in the eastern part of the island where the school board is), but it had pretty much cleared up here by 7:00am. However, since the school board had not cancelled school a week or so ago and had 4 buses go off the roads because of ice, they were more cautious and cancelled school for the day. The same thing happened yesterday (Thurs) with snow during the night and pretty much clearing by 9:00.
Wednesday was a fun snow day. The snow was light and powdery. The kids made "houses" in different parts of the yard and I made "roads" in the snow using the snow shoes. I also went cross country skiiing to make a "railway track". The kids used their birthday month and day for addresses which they wrote in the snow. DD's house was in the back corner of the yard by the horse barn. I got the playhouse. DS's house was the tree house. There was another house by the breezeway and we made what turned into a post office in the middle of the yard. Yesterday (Thurs) we had to redo everything because of the snow overnight. But it was wet and sticky so walking around in snow shoes was hard since the snow stuck to the bottom. The same with the cross country skis. Finally, today the kids are back in school. I missed my time by myself! HH also had his work delayed til 12 on Wed. and 10:30 on Thurs. BTW, we are expecting more snow tonight!
So, on to decor stuff. Here's a picture I found at Kara Paslay Designs that has a floor that looks like the one I painted in the front room!
So, we've had 2 snow days in a row! It snowed overnight Tuesday (with more in the eastern part of the island where the school board is), but it had pretty much cleared up here by 7:00am. However, since the school board had not cancelled school a week or so ago and had 4 buses go off the roads because of ice, they were more cautious and cancelled school for the day. The same thing happened yesterday (Thurs) with snow during the night and pretty much clearing by 9:00.
Wednesday was a fun snow day. The snow was light and powdery. The kids made "houses" in different parts of the yard and I made "roads" in the snow using the snow shoes. I also went cross country skiiing to make a "railway track". The kids used their birthday month and day for addresses which they wrote in the snow. DD's house was in the back corner of the yard by the horse barn. I got the playhouse. DS's house was the tree house. There was another house by the breezeway and we made what turned into a post office in the middle of the yard. Yesterday (Thurs) we had to redo everything because of the snow overnight. But it was wet and sticky so walking around in snow shoes was hard since the snow stuck to the bottom. The same with the cross country skis. Finally, today the kids are back in school. I missed my time by myself! HH also had his work delayed til 12 on Wed. and 10:30 on Thurs. BTW, we are expecting more snow tonight!
So, on to decor stuff. Here's a picture I found at Kara Paslay Designs that has a floor that looks like the one I painted in the front room!
It's actually in this fancy house from S.R. Gambrel! Oh, la, la! :-)
Here's our floor.

I want to share what we did for Valentine's Day before it gets too far away. For dessert, I made a spice cake (from a mix). DS helped ice and decorate it. I got some red sugar on sale and he covered the cake with it and left the hearts white!
My phone didn't work before dinner so I didn't get a picture of the whole cake. Or the fancy heart shaped tortillas for pizzas with heart shaped pepperonis! But here's the cake mostly eaten!
I put out a few decorations for the table.
I put Valentine tape around a pink pedestal and some candle holders so we could eat by candle light. I also wrapped up chocolates for everybody at their place setting. DD had a friend over after school and I thought Oh, now we can't be fancy like I'd planned. But then I thought, Why not be fancy? So, we were and it was fun! :-)
Have a great weekend! :-)
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