So, I'm not going to be posting as much for the next three weeks. Why?, you ask. Well, I've got a job! I'm tutoring at the Elementary school my kids go to. I go every day for 5 hours. Plus, I get an hour for lunch, so I get to come home. (I only live 4 minutes away.)
So far it's good, but I'm noticing I'm doing and using a lot "more". I have to drive more; use more gas; wash more clothes; use more detergent; have more showers; use more soap and shampoo; use more hair products and deodorant(!). (It seems like before perhaps I was a bit of a slob, having no showers or clean clothes! However, I could get away with wearing the same thing a couple times before washing and without much dirty work or stress (= stinky sweat) I didn't have to shower all the time ;-) . This is part of my "reducing" for the environment!) Luckily I have enough nice clothes to make quite a few outfits so I didn't have to buy more clothes! But for all this extra stuff, I guess I'll have more money. Is it worth it? We shall see!
On the other hand, I have less time to shop (HH went this week); less time with family in order to do things that I'd normally do during the day; less time to read blogs; blog myself; and putter around the house. This has come at a good time because I've actually kinda run out of house projects I "want" to do. There's always so much to do, but we've slowed down to save a bit more moulah!
I like this job for the hours. I get to leave about 10 minutes after the kids get on the bus and I'm home about 5 minutes before they get home, plus the hour I'm home at lunch. I also like that it's so close. Most of the kids are good. (A couple seem to not like me- I'm not sure if it's me or they just don't want to read!) I did substitute teaching a few years ago (which is why I'm qualified to do tutoring), and I much prefer dealing with one kid at a time. I guess there's not much I don't like about it!
It will last for 3 weeks until March Break which starts on March 17. After that, I believe they'll have to see if they get more funding. So, we'll see. Ideally, I think I'd like to have one day off per week so I can do my grocery shopping (It's hard for me to give that up as I am quite the expert ;-) and HH always seems to miss the sale items. I know, it's just me! and I'm glad HH is even available to do the shopping! :-)). Also, I can have lunch with HH on my day off. Plus I'd have time to do whatever, while the kids are away. It's just easier to get things done without having to be concerned about the kids.
Here's a couple pictures I found last week from the library.
First, in House & Home magazine
are some chairs, very similar the one I re-did, in House & Home magazine.
Here's my chair.

And from the book Farmhouses,
is another painted floor.
like the one in our front room.

Have a great weekend! I'll be back next Tuesday to post about our meals. :-)