How was your weekend? Ours was nice. We had a big rise in the temps and a rain on Saturday, so a lot of the snow has melted! This week is supposed to be above normal temps (above or right around freezing) so it's like Spring!
We watched "The Phantom Menace" Saturday night and will have to wait till next weekend to continue with the next movie.
I got a little project done in the master bedroom. I put up the full length mirror.
It used to look like this.

Not much different really!
I know, a little "dorm-room-ish", but I had the crates in the storage room just sitting there empty so I decided to use them to see if this is a good use of space. We used to have the hamper in there, but I've moved it in front of the mirror. The sweaters had no home. Once I got them out of their summer storage duffel bag under the bed, they stayed on top of HH's dresser. So, this is definitely a better spot for them! There's now some space behind the shelves. I'm not sure what I'll put there.
In other news, remember when the kids were sitting on top of the breezeway to slide down the big pile of snow?
Well, look what's happened!
It's fallen! :-( It's down about 3-4 inches. That vertical 2x4 is bracing the top. And you can kinda see a metal brace with holes in it which is attached to the outside wall to keep it from spreading!
Well, at least we don't have any basement flooding with all the rain and melting. (Since we don't have a basement!) Our plan was to re-do the breezeway this spring. So, it definitely need to be re-done now! It is a big mess.
Have a great week! :-)
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