Busy day yesterday! I like Thursdays because it seems like a break after going to town on Tues and helping out with toast on Wed. I usually get a lot done. So, what did I do this week?
Well, I finished the front room floor!
I love the way it turned out! I still have to finish the part on the right hand side where the dresser will go between our 4 big "lockers". There's drywall there now, so I wasn't able to do it. I just wanted to get the middle part done so we're able to walk there.
As you may recall from Monday's post, I started painting last weekend and used the method by Debbie Travis in her book Debbie Travis' Decorating Solutions. First the basecoat on Sunday.
Monday we did some more work, so I wasn't able to do the first stencil coat until Tuesday after shopping. The kids got home, I was still painting, and HH even had to make dinner!
Then, Wednesday I did the final light coloured stencil. It was nice the kids had Art until 4:30 so I got to work a bit later than usual. So, here's the almost finished floor again!
Now I'd like to let it cure for about a week, but I've got drywalling to do, so I'm in there taking drywall sheets out for the hall. That's another project I worked on this week. I got some more drywall done in the hallway.
Here's how it used to look.

I also finally finished the threshold between the kitchen and back room I started back here.
The ugly before:

Looking toward the kitchen.

Looking to the back room:
And Before:

Another small thing I've sorta finished up is the trunk. Here it is now.
(I've also rearranged the back room!)
Here's what is used to look like:

As you can see, I still need to finish up the details. If the weather is nice today, I'll spray paint the metals that hold the trunk together and the clasps. They didn't turn out as nicely as the rest of the trunk.
Have a great weekend. It's Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, so it's a long weekend for us!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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