(This was supposed to publish on March 23!)
I re-arranged the back room a week ago.
After the secretary cabinet has been built and hung,

here's how the back room looks now.
After the secretary cabinet has been built and hung,

here's how the back room looks now.
I moved the black-topped table out of that corner.

The side table is the seat for the sewing machine.
I put a tray on top for tissues and drinks.
Does it look better with the guitar lowered? Hmm..
I moved some stuff around and put a "new" basket here.
But now that I see it, I think it's too much stuff there, so I'll find somewhere else for the dark basket.
There, that's nice!
Here's the back.
I'd like to shorten the sewing machine table legs by about 3 inches.
(Hi, Lilly!)
K moved the amp in for the keyboard.
(When the amp got moved, this is when I moved that dark basket I mentioned earlier.)
Looking back toward that corner.
Here's the "workout" area.
Ok, see that messy corner by the door? With the shelf on top filled with gloves?
I've changed it up a bit and put something more pretty there-
A bird's nest, a papercraft bird and two little baskets!
Here's an angle I don't normally show.
That green thing in the foreground is an onion I'm growing. After it sprouted, I put it in some dirt. Do onions grow that way? We'll see! ;-)
(See where the black-topped table ended up temporarily in the kitchen?)
So, back to that corner. Here's how it typically looked. (This was taken last May.)

And here it is now, a bit more cleaned up.
I changed out the falling-apart shoe holder for a bench made out of a plywood shelf that used to be in N's room when he was a baby. Hence the red edge. I'm debating whether to paint it or remove it.... The little legs came from a cabinet K had in his room when I moved up to Halifax in 1994! The cabinet got mildewy in storage so I threw it away a long time ago, but I kept the legs.
Now the gloves are in the basket on the right and cat stuff is in the basket's lid on the left.
(See Lilly's shadow?)
And lastly, here's the tv corner before I moved the guitar down.
And now with different pictures of the clipboards.
So, that's what the room looks like now...
Have a fabulous day! :-)