Thursday, 29 September 2016

Laundry Closet

How's your week going? Mine is going fine, but I've been sick so I haven't been doing much...

K has been busy, though, working on the laundry closet so we can move the washer and dryer out of N's closet

and into the hallway.

It's not very photogenic stuff, but it's been a lot of work in the closets and under the house, hooking up the electricity, water and drains.
It's very exciting to be so close to getting this finished!

Hope you have a fantastic day! :-)

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The Weekend

How was your weekend?  We had a good one.

Friday was a day off of school for the kids and we spent it at home.

Saturday, C and I went to Charlottetown to go to the Atlantic Vet College Open House with C's 4H group.

Here's C with a rat. 

It was a fun day that had C wanting to get a rat, snake, guinea pig or dog for a pet! After the open house, we had Indian for lunch and did a bit of shopping.

Sunday the kids started swim lessons. (This will be the last one for N- not sure if C will continue again to catch up to N's level....)  After the lessons, we went out for Thai food, stopped by Staples to browse and visited my FIL. (My MIL took a trip to NS for the weekend, so she was gone.)

Hope you're having a great day! :-)

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Fall Decor


The kids came home from school early yesterday after a bomb threat was faxed into Ottawa! All the schools were searched and nothing was found....

In more fun/boring news, I got my fall stuff out for the front porch.
Since I got rid of the flower boxes, I put all my faux foliage into the basket that stays out on the porch. I put the hanging baskets back up like last year.

On the other side, is C's scarecrow from 4H last year. 

Inside, I put a couple things out, including C's pumpkins from 4H. 
The space is still looking bare though.  Don't you think it could use some flowers/weeds from the yard?

I haven't done anything on the chalkboard fall (or back to school) related.  When we got rid of C's Birthday Message, I just quickly put up a calendar for September. 

No school tomorrow for the kiddos, so it's a long weekend!
Have a good one! :-)

Monday, 19 September 2016



We have a plum tree in the yard.

 This year it gave us 3 plums.
(Here are two.)
They were delicious!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Outside the House

We made it through the first week of school!  This week N starts after-school band on Wednesdays and C starts gymnastics on the same day.  That will be our busy day this year!

I took some pics around the yard last week.
Starting from the back door
(BTW, we started draining the pool yesterday.)

K was cleaning the rain barrel (green thing in middle of yard).  

Treehouse and Trailer. 

Raspberries- we got a lot this year! 

Transplanted honeysuckle is doing well. 

K is working on the plumbing for the new washer location,

so, we are cleaning out under the house. 

My dad cleared all this "driveway" area. 

Boat yard. 


The Virginia Creeper is creeping onto the storage room! 

Somebody needs to paint that door.... 

Boat accoutrements.

From the front steps. 

Have a great week! :-)

Tuesday, 6 September 2016