Hope everyone in the States had a good Thanksgiving yesterday. We celebrated by taking our annual family picture which we started back in 2003 when DS was just a baby. We also had cornbread dressing (which the kids didn't like :-( ) and sweet potatoes for dinner. Along with the un-traditional kidney beans!
So, while I was cleaning up the yard last week, I discovered the old window boxes I'd made out of the cedar siding we had on the front of the cottage and some leftover wood. Here's a pic of one in its summer glory back in 2004. (This is where our front master bedroom window is.)
These pics must be later in the year, but look how little the spruces are! (And how overgrown the yard is :-))
Here's a more recent pic of the spruces! They've grown so much! (Which gives me hope that I can plant a couple little round bushes in front of the porch and they'll grown to fill in the space.)
Anyway, back to this week, when I found the old window boxes out by the front shed I thought they'd be perfect to go on the rail of the front porch. So, I went around the yard and cut a bunch of evergreens- spruce, pine and cedar- and some red sticks. I laid it all out on the back patio table where it's the warmest.
And here's what I came up with.
Here are the boxes up on the front porch.
Here's a closeup of the left side.
And the one on the right.
Nothing too fancy, but a nice touch for some winter decorations.
I hadn't planned on doing the back window boxes, but I had a bit of leftover greenery so I said I might as well!
It looks a bit sparse so I may add some more greenery. HH cut a bunch of branches out front so I may gather up some of those.
Here it is again with a bit of pretty snow!
Here's a funny cat face DD drew on the car! :-)
I didn't do much else this week! Thinking of Christmas and crafts and gifts and stuff! :-)